Every Agripreneur Needs an AgriFesto

Callister, who has successfully completed tertiary level education, has used her God-given abilities paired with her academic knowledge to pen her very first book. The book is that manual which every aspiring and existing agripreneur needs to read. And what's best? Callister, through, her desire to help people succeed, has reduced the fee to less than $10 for those wanting an e-copy and claims that any financial support given will be used to advance the lives of agripreneurs through technology.

Below is a short paragraph describing the book in it's entirety.

"It's what clothes us, feeds us and puts food on our table. It doesn't matter from what angle you look at Agriculture, one thing is certain. Agriculture is big business and therefore anyone involved should be a millionaire."

The book was written by Callister Sango. She is an agribusiness enthusiast and agribrand strategist. She is also a graduate of the Dominica State College with an Associate Degree in General Agriculture.

📞 (767) 6152041 
📨 callistersango@gmail.com